Campus de l'Arche, Paris la Défense
47 blvd de pesaro, 92000 Nanterre
An increasing trend towards the implementation of digital technologies within the health care systems has been witnessed during the last 20 years. In its global strategy on digital health for the years 2020–2025, the World Health Organization (WHO) devoted a specific interest to the role played by digital devices in allowing a larger and more equitable access to health services to all categories of populations, without any distinction regarding their economic, geopolitical, social or demographic specificities.
The term eHealth encompasses in its broader sense a large array of health care domains supported or enabled by technology. Following Marent & Henwood (2021), we can consider a typology including : (1) telemedicine: synchronous or asynchronous care at a distance, possibly enabled by sociotechnical platforms; (2) health information: storage, search and exchange, through information systems for example; (3) mHealth: use of mobile and connected devices for health-related reasons; and (4) algorithmic health: incorporating advances in data science and artificial intelligence (AI) in health care for experimental, predictive, curative, or diagnostic purposes.
Despite the benefits and considerable advancements made possible by implementing digital devices in health and health care, crucial ethical questions have been raised. Bioethics and deontological perspectives cross paths with all the issues related to Information Technology uses and their implications on people’s life (privacy, digital divide, reluctance towards AI). Two value systems are aggregated and concurrently foster a wide range of issues embracing different perspectives (philosophical, moral, normative, technical, managerial or legal).
The aim of this research day is to curate and compare the views of social, human and management sciences and engineering sciences in order to shed light on these issues.
Campus de l'Arche, Paris La Défense, France.
47 boulevard de pesaro, 92000 Nanterre